Come be apart of the WAMM Entertainment


The Music Empire Builder Blueprint of Nard2Hard is more than just a program. It's a FAMILY!

We know that being an artist and entrepreneur at some point you feel like you're on an island by yourself. This is what makes this course so unique, we have developed a complete family experience for everyone involved.

Nard2Hard has a ton of resources and connections that have helped him become a success in the music industry and you will gain access to them by being apart of the Wamm Entertainment family.


Your Instructor

“It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone forgotten.”
The coolest part about Nard2Hard is you probably never heard of me because I'm not famous at all. I'm not a household name by any means but I have made 7 figures in the music industry and counting. My blueprints doesn't require you to be famous, do crazy things to build clout, and the best part you don't have to have any music connections. Yep that's right! can't no gatekeeper stop this from happening. Through my 17 years of experience in the music industry I now have a successful record label, a chain of recording studios, a music marketing agency, a songwriting academy company, a YouTube ad agency, a music production company, music distribution company, music videography company and of course still making money from doing my own music and money from doing features & hook for others artists. BUT GUESS WHAT: I'm going to give you my exact blueprint on how to make this all happen!

What You Will Learn

Becoming an effective and efficient artist is not something that happens overnight, but putting these lessons and strategies into daily practice can help you earn and become successful in the music industry. Evey lesson on this course will be useful, and will surely change your life.

  • How To Create Revenue Of 5-10k A Month From Songwriting & Rap Coaching With My PROVEN Step-By-Step Techniques.
  • How To Make 10k Per Month Running Youtube Ads For Artists & Helping Them Create Revenue From YouTube Monetization.
  • How To Build A Recording Studio Business From Ground Up Making 10-20k A Month On Automation Without Doing Anything.
  • ​How To Make 30k Per Month Running A Music Videography Company On Automation Without Doing Anything.
  • ​How To Make 10k A Month Running A Music Marketing Agency.
  • ​Major Label Blueprint Formula On How To Break A Artist Into The Music Industry
  • How To Create, Structure & Automate A Music Production Company (How to Make Money Selling Beats).
  • ​How To Generate Business Funding To Invest Into These Businesses & Anything Else You Dream Of.

Who Is This Blueprint For?

This Blueprint is for those of you who have already struggled through the motions of going it alone or doing it the hard way.

Maybe you’ve already tried reading books on the music industry but realize they are all outdated.

Or perhaps, you’ve tried your luck with someone that messaged you on Instagram from a foreign country with no followers or a track record but their saying they can help you build your online presence and realize you only get bots and no real results.

You might have even attempted to watch free tutorials on YouTube but come to find out everybody is saying the same thing and not really providing information that can really take you to the next level.

Your tired of wasting your time and money with scammers and things and strategies that look good but does no justice.

That’s why you’re here, on this page, looking for a way out, and a direct route to a better, more solid and structured blueprint.

You don’t want to waste time money and energy on fake and weak blueprint methods, because you’ve already tried and failed more times than you can count.

You’re here because you want fast, consistent, long-term results.

You want to be able to live the type of life you always dreamed of.

These blueprints will allow you to be able to work from anywhere in the world, provide you with income from doing something that your passionate about!

And this is where you’ll find it 👇

Here Are The Hard Truths That 

You Need To Hear


Going It Alone Is Never Going To Work

Unless you WIN THE LOTTERY, GET GRANTED 3 WISHES, MANIFEST A MIRACLE, you’ll always struggle with succeeding in the music industry. It’s not something you can type into Google…

It’s not something that you can learn from scratch unless you have millions of dollars in the bank, and years of your life to waste.

And it’s not something that comes easily to most. That’s why you need a simple, step-by-step guide to show you EXACTLY how to achieve everything you want - without trial and error and expensive mistakes.


They Don't Teach This in School

Trust me! I searched long and wide for schools, classes on and offline and The blueprints that I have inside this course can not be found anywhere else.

This knowledge was accumulated from years of trial and error. 


You Only Have Two Options


You can act as if this course doesn’t exist, and go back to suffering in silence, living a life you’re truly unsatisfied with.

You won’t get access to this simple step by step blueprint that will help you generate up to 7 figures a year doing something that you love so it dont feel like work.

And you definitely won’t get to live the dream life you always hoped for

You’ll simply carry on down the same path, leaving your future (and paycheck) in the hands of another.

But I know that’s not what you want.

And I know that’s not why you’re still here, on this page, looking for a way to change your entire life.

That’s why there’s a SECOND, much more appealing option!


Your second option gives you the BEST possible chance at success and enables you to skip all of the long-winded, confusing, time-consuming risks you can’t afford to take.

Your second option is, yep - you guessed it, to take me up on my offer of joining "Learn The Secrets To A 7 Figure Income Stream In The Music Industry" today.

This course is running on a first-come-first-served basis.

That means, if you WANT to achieve success in the music industry, without any music connections, prior knowledge or clout you need to act fast, and you need to act now.

Most people will NEVER come across a chance like this… And here you are, considering giving it all up due to fear of the unknown, and what “someone once said”.

This course isn’t based on predictions, what I think might work, or what someone said in a forum online… This is based on my REAL experience and very REAL results.

I’ve deep-dived into every single step that I’ve taken to get to where I am today, and I’m basically handing you my ENTIRE life’s work for a small one-time payment.

You don’t have to spend years of your life going it alone. You don’t have to spend your hard-earned money on trial and error which might, or might not work.

I’m providing you with EVERYTHING you could possibly need to go from broke to massive success in as little as 30 days.

So, What’s The Cost, For 

Something So Powerful?

The truth is, this course has been valued at $100,000

And I’ve been told COUNTLESS times that I should charge a RECURRING MONTHLY price of at least $499…

My students think I’m CRAZY for making the entry-level so low...

But I’m not in it for the money.

I created this course to help others who are going through the exact same process I went through, just a few short years ago.

My ONLY desire is for this course to be accessible, easy-to-follow, and completely LIFE-CHANGING for anyone who gets their hands on it. 



Just take a moment to imagine how this newly found knowledge and blueprint would impact your life both financially and mentally.

Just Imagine waking up everyday but not having to go clock in at some burger joint but to wake up and just make a few calls to check on your music industry clients and them calling you wanting to give you more money for your services. You checking your inbox going through hundreds of messages of people that want to be your client. While all of this is going on your recording studio is on autopilot making you money all day everyday, your videography team is being book constantly every week, your producer team selling beats on a daily etc.

- You’d have more time, money & energy and the power to work whenever, wherever you choose.

- You’d be able to QUIT your soul-sucking 9-5 job, and live the music industry lifestyle you’ve ALWAYS dreamed of.

- You’d be able to travel the world everything off of your bucket spend quality time with your family, friends and loved ones.

TOTAL VALUE: $99,999

Music Empire Builder Blueprint:

Today's Price - $3497

But Don’t Just Take My Word For It… Check 

Out Just Some Of My Latest testimonials


NARD2HARD has been my mentor for sometime now. I'm only 18 and now im showing others how to RAP! Making money showing others how to rap is crazy to me. Also I'm making $7k a month running my own YOUTUBE Ad Agency. 

@80k.JDAGXD (IG)

"Nard2hard is the man!! I took his course and instantly I'm making more money from songwriting and ghostwriting for clients. I got my first client for YouTube marketing yesterday as well. It's so much knowledge in this course Its insane!"


"This. course has showed me how to build a music marketing agency from the ground up! My @Onesideentertainment page now makes me $500 a day minimum!


STILL Don't Believe? Checkout What

@ianbyarmofficial Has To Say!

Music Empire Builder Blueprint Curriculum


How to structure your Songwriting Company

How to structure your Recording Studio business

How to create your own Music Distribution company as a reseller

How to structure a Google Ads Agency & Youtube Ads Agency

How to structure your Music Marketing Agency

How to create, structure & automate a Music Production Company( how to sell beats)

How to structure your Music Videography company


Personal & Business Funding

Ready To Get Started?

Join countless music independent entreprenuers,

 artists, songwriters, producers, videograpers, label execs 

that have already started their path to success!

Wamm Entertainment Group LLC 2022. Your brand all rights reserved